- Early on: newspaper (broadsheets & tabloids)
- broadsheets: Quality newspapers with more in-depth articles and factual presentation of info
- tabloids: "scandal mongering celebrity gossip" and subjective style, attention grabbing headlines with puns and more, visual content
- Today: televeision with broad selection of type of media
- Less and less people use traditional media and mostly digital sources
- Digital media: opportunity to share, remix and create new content → user-generated content
- Dangers of such approach: no control regarding copyright
- More connected → e.g. politicians
- Also enables people to draw attention to politically charged situations
- Trump storming white house (bad)
- Governments blocking democratic process → people could share this fast (good)
- Personalized ads
- Articles about products (not journalistic)
- Advertainment → ads in shows or television or entire short-films about a product